City University Of Cairo - Capital of science and knowledge
Prof.D \ Mohamed Ibrahim Ali
Egypt preceded the ancient nations with science and its platforms. Since the dawn of their history, ancient Egyptians have founded many cities that have formed centers from which the radiation of civilization emanates throughout Egypt and the ancient world. The city of “Heliopolis”, the name given by the Greeks to the city of "On" or "Iono", was the city of the Sun.
The city was famous for its university, where scientists and philosophers came from the ancient world to bring about prosperity to various sciences that had taken the lead in, such as medicine, architecture, astronomy, philosophy and other sciences that enrich Egyptian civilization.
When the founders of CUC chose the city of "New Heliopolis" to be the university's headquarters this important choice served as an incentive for the University to become a hub and a platform for modern education that attracts those knowledge seekers not only from Egypt but from all over the world.
While humans are the tool, medium and purpose of development, it is essential to be fruitfully and effectively prepared. This requires primarily educational institutions, especially universities, to achieve the highest quality and proficiency in preparing individuals to ensure their excellence, enhance their capabilities, and equip them to compete in the job market.
At the City University of Cairo (CUC), we work as one team and we look forward to a comprehensive academic transformation. Based on the strategic plan of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for 2020-2030 and in light of the sustainable plan of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the significant leap in improving the education system, we give utmost importance to the three pillars of the contemporary university: education, scientific research, and community service. In this context, the university encourages its esteemed faculty members to perform their duties to the fullest and ensures the application of all regulations to serve and motivate them.
The City university of Cairo is keen on attracting scientifically and academically distinguished faculty members to contribute to the establishment of scientific teams that combine diverse schools and international experiences in collaboration with various prestigious international scientific institutions.
Fully aware of the importance of scientific research, as it is a characteristic of this era in all modern life fields, the university will work on enhancing a culture of distinguished scientific research for its affiliates by expanding funding for applied and theoretical research projects. This is done to provide outstanding services to the Egyptian society, particularly and the surrounding communities in general, aiming to develop the relationship between its programs and the requirements of the community in all age groups and governmental and private sectors. It also aims to provide various groups with the skills enabling them to improve their performance in both their professional and general lives.
CUC emphasizes the principle of fairness in providing opportunities for all disciplines and aims to create an appropriate working environment that enriches the role and characteristics of each of the University's departments; scientific departments are the basic units of serious academic work.
On the other hand, the City University of Cairo will strive for entrepreneurship by enhancing cooperation with the private sector and adopting academic programs closely related to the needs of the local community. It will also provide distance learning opportunities for several specializations, in line with the learners' needs and the potential of the university's scientific departments.
It is crucial to highlight that CUC follows the latest and most advanced methods of education, learning, and training for all students. It aims to create a suitable environment for them to become productive citizens and welcomed individuals in all areas of government and private work.
In this context, CUC will apply the latest methods of continuous development in various scientific fields, seeking global academic accreditation and aiming for success and excellence. It will benefit from the experiences of major international universities while maintaining the desired balance between societal values and modern scientific principles.
In line with its vision and to achieve excellence, CUC has set up its objectives on four main themes:
1. Building the character of the Egyptian individual in line with its ancient past and its aspirations for a new renaissance that places it in the position it deserves regionally and globally.
2. Developing a distinct teaching and a learning plan that matches and competes with international systems in a way that meets the needs of the labor market and its changes locally, regionally and globally for graduates, by developing the outcomes of the educational process and in accordance with the standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation. Moreover, CUC is keen to sign agreements with highly ranking international universities; in order to benefit from their experience in the educational field.
3. Working to develop society and serving the environment, given the changes in the labor market that will result in the disappearance of some jobs in the short or long term and the possible need for new jobs; Thus, one of the most important objectives that CUC has planned to achieve is preparing well trained personnel so that the graduate can compete with other fellows of local, regional and international universities to carry out the tasks that will be assigned to them, in their respective fields of specialization, and to solve any problems they may encounter.
4. Developing and encouraging scientific research and innovation, complementing the University's desired role as a distinct beacon of science and education to keep pace with global progress in various fields. The City University of Cairo has planned to establish a number of research centers to carry out this role; the results of these research is linked to the societal need and underscore the key role of scientific research in modernizing and developing community service mechanisms. To achieve this, City University of Cairo (CUC) has been keen to sign agreements with a number of research centers in both Egyptian and international universities to take advantage of their existing expertise. On the other hand, these centers and research units serve as expert houses to serve communities and business development.