City University Of Cairo - Capital of science and knowledge
Egypt preceded ancient civilizations in knowledge and its platforms. Scientists and philosophers from ancient world countries used to come to its university to benefit from the prosperity it achieved in all sciences, such as medicine, architecture, astronomy, philosophy, and other sciences that influenced Egyptian civilization. If humans are the instrument and means of development, it is necessary to prepare them in a fruitful and effective manner. This primarily requires educational institutions, especially universities, to achieve the highest levels of quality and agreement in preparing individuals to ensure their high distinction and the honing of their abilities and skills in a way that enables them to compete in the job market. Based on the strategic plan of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 2030-2020, and in light of the sustainable plan of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the great leap in improving the education system, the idea of establishing CUC emerged to be added to the group of private universities that have been established or are still in the construction phase.